Stepping away...

Knowing that Christmas was just around the corner, I needed to finish week #22, "Coming Home", early. Deciding on the subject matter was easy. There has been one thought on my mind all week. The song would be simple and straight from the heart... verse, chorus, verse chorus... simple. Hopefully, the words will be heard.
It's been kind of nice taking a couple of days to make lasagna with my mom, create some homemade irish cream and enjoy the people that I love. Tomorrow I'm making a "Christmas" pie and getting some last minute stuff done. I'm looking so forward to being with my family on Christmas day!!
It's strange, though. "Teddy and Me" has become such a huge part of my life... You know how, even when you are distracted by other parts of your life, no matter how crazy your "day to day" becomes, your children are sitting in your thoughts, somewhere in your thoughts, always? This project is very much like that. It's all consuming. 
But, it gives me so much in return. As tough as it has been, I am thrilled that it's such a big part of my life... 
Happy holidays, everybody!! 

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