January 2nd, 2012

Can't sleep again... It's almost 2:00 am and I wish that my mind and body would just  stop already. Well, not stop exactly, just go to sleep. It seems that on this scenic route that I've been taking, I've hit this major intersection. Do I head north, northeast, northwest or should I just head for the sun? I have lot of different ideas. I feel like I've been staying in a very familiar corner. I want to change it up a bit.
This new pattern has been happening for the last two weeks. The day that I'm finishing up my song of the week, I go to the piano with a new idea. I write it down. It's usually just a bit of a melody... maybe a verse. Never a chorus... Hmmm.... Right now I have two. 
We'll see. This week has to come from somewhere else. Tomorrow I'll start.
Sweet dreams...

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